At Rangotri, we primarily use two distinct color processes: Pigments and Indigo Sol. Pigment dyes, similar to paint, require mixing with a synthetic binder before application, as they are polymer-based. The true vibrancy of these colors only reveals itself during the printing process, creating a beautiful contrast with Sol and Rapid dyes. After printing, the fabric is carefully heated in a chamber to ensure its color remains vibrant and durable against rubbing, washing, and sunlight.
On the other hand, Indigo Sol comes from a special Indigo dye formula, also known as Soluble Vat dyes. These dyes are mixed with Arabic gum prior to application. Unlike Pigment dyes, the true color of Indigo Sol doesn’t show until after printing. To fix the color, the fabric is processed in a mild acid bath, ensuring that the rich hues are securely set.